To put things in persective, I have just had a few too many beers and watched the stewardship of my great country, Australia, be passed from one political party to another.
Those who already know me as 'Destrier' from my posts at Cool Tools For Men may know something of my cynisism for contemporary politics. I have the vague suspicion that the representatives of both major parties have been thoroughly pre-selected before we get the privilege of choosing our destruction, in a similar fashion that Zool gave the Ghostbusters.
However, despite the lack of a gap between and the increasing irrelevance of the left/right paradigm, this time there was, to me, a dog's balls, stand-out difference between the two front-runners.
A little while ago, it made the news that the previous Prime Minister, Mr John Howard, took offence when a media lackey referred to Janette Howard as his 'partner'. He corrected said lackey and informed him that Janette was, in fact, his wife. This was newsworthy in our society.
Our New PM accepted his stewardship of the nation a few short hours ago. He had his family onstage with him as he did so. As he gave thanks to those supporting him and promised to deliver a positive future for the country, I started to change my mind, which was previously most certainly made-up against him. It was an excellent speech (no doubt written by professionals, with his approval) and it moved me that he delivered it so sincerely. I started to hope that the future may not be as bleak as I had invisaged it with him being victorious. And then he said it. He thanked his "life-partner".
His "life-partner".
Not his wife.
Not the woman who shares his name.
Because she doesn't.
She doesn't share his name...but I'm supposed to share his vision for the future of my country.
She allegedly loves him and bore his children...but won't take his name as his wife. How much should those of us aren't allegedly in love with him respect and trust him?
The media that makes a big deal over a PM who insists that his wife be referred to as his wife does not even twitch when Comrade PM refers to his wife as his "life partner".
That's not news, apparently.
I guess it's just "politically correct".
For those who think I am splitting hairs, I will start to flesh out my concerns now. For those conservatives and others who basically subscribe to the dictates of common sense, please just bear with me.
For the radical lesbian feminists, the spice-girls-girl-power-neo-morons and secular-humanist-green-hippie-love-druggos I will say that focussing on this point is not an irrelavence.
You see, this was a political contest in which one USA/NWO/pro-illegal war bum-licking PM went balding head to waxy head with another USA/NWO/pro-illegal war bum-licking wannabe. The "new guy" (as far as I could tell...and I'm open to correction) had very little to offer other than more of the same as the old government, except with the added bonus of an "under new management" sign.
Kevin Rudd was dubbed by the media as "Howard light". This makes sense to me. I understand (I think) where "K Rudd" was coming from. Basically this election was his to lose, as the previous government has been in power "since forever" and has really started to stretch the friendship with the average Aussie worker. It was on this issue that election mainly turned. On everything else K Rudd said nothing. This was in the interests of political victory.
That's what seriously disturbs me, in conjunction with a number of recent events and historical precedents.
1. K Rudd was the ambassador (or part of the Australian diplomatic mission) to China and speaks Mandarin. He lived in that country (I assume) for at least two years. During the election campaign he addressed the people of China through the media, speaking in Mandarin.
Has he said anything about human rights abuses in China? No. Is anyone in contemporary politics in a better position to highlight the differences in values between the Australian people (who he has been elected to represent) and the policies of the Chinese government than him? In this blogger's honest opinion - No! Accordingly, his silence speaks chilling volumes to me.2. The labour-union and socialist/marxist/communist leanings of his party. This is a grave concern for all Australians as the ideological underpinnings of his immediate supporters mean the weakening of the outstanding financial position the previous government has put the country in. It is also a push in the direction of communist totalitarianism (and yes, I'm aware that the alternative may well be a push in the ditrection of fascist authoritarianism).
3. The recent furore over his millionaire life-partner's issues with screwing over her workers. Isn't this a direct contradiction with his "worker's party" identity?
4. The historical precedent set by other Labour governments for leading us into political correctness and debt.
5. The promise of an "education revolution", delivered with a smile that would make Comrade Pol Pot proud.
(Australia now has the humiliating distinction, under a conservative government, of being the first country to outlaw Santa Claus from bellowing out his trademark, hearty "Ho ho ho". My god, that might offend a scantily-clad African-American woman, but where I come from "Ho" is what Santa says when he laughs or it's a gardening tool! In a country of 20-odd million Aussies, who by the looks of it are roughly 50% refugees from Vietnam, Lebanon and Sudan and 50% decendants of Scottish and Irish convicts with the odd Aborigine thrown into the mix, I really can't see the pressing need to restrict Santa's freedom of speech in the interests of preserving the "right to not be offended" for scantily-clad African-American lasses who can't corectly pronounce the word 'whore'!!!!)
There's no mention of how he intends to brainwash the next generation, just a Pol Pot smug smile and a promise of big changes. More chills down my spine.
6. The historical fact that a Labour government = financial ruin for the nation! Why has everyone forgotten this!?!
7. The fact that the new Deputy PM, Julia Gillard, is a Lawyer/Spinster AND the fact that as soon as the Australian public recoiled from her in horror, the Labour Party immediately started to make the election all about K Rudd instead of the "Dream Team" of K Rudd and Mzzz Gillard, as they were originally billed. But Girl-Power-Equal-Opportunity-Affirmitive-Action-Positive-Discrimination-More-Must-Be-Done-For-Girls-Gillard is still there, ladies and gentlemen, even if the party had the nouse to hide her from view. I wonder what she brings to the "education revolution", in a country where two-thirds of university students are female. Heaven help us all.
Yes, I do mean us all! All those smug females reading right now should broaden their horizons and have a look at the British medical system. Now THERE is a society that has been proper-fucked by feminism! With the vast majority of medical students and graduates being female they are stuck with a medical profession obsessed with the "self". Self-fulfilment, "career", "work-life balance" and any number of Oprah-esque platitudes that mean something other than "work and slave to get ahead to make a good life for myself and provide for a family" as men have done for generations.
Who cares?
Women care!
Because women are the ones who seek medical attention far more than men.
I'm not going into why, because I'm not sure. Are they naturally hypochondriacs? Are they naturally physically defective? Do they have more care for self-preservation than men? I don't know. I'm honestly not very interested. The female cult of doctor-worship does interest me, but should be the topic of another rant.
Anyway, that means that in the UK, it's the women that are suffering most because of the female-friendly girl-power policies that deliberately curtail boys' educational development, because they can't find a doctor because they're all on maternity leave, stress leave, "career breaks", working part-time or have decided to pack it in (having proved they could "make it in a man's world") and retired, making their position in medical school pointless for society at large.
As it always has been, men create and sustain civilisation for women. When women start cutting down men, under the guise of standing for women's rights or opportunities, all they do is damage the supports underneath them. Having seen the leftist policies of Labour politicians in the past, I can only expect more from the gender-neutral PM and Deputy PM.
I subscribe to no "ism", not even libertarianism (which probably comes closest to aligning with my views).
I hope I am wrong, because I love my country. But I have been moved to start a blog, sparked by tonight's election results, because I fear the worst.
I will write more and I will monitor the new government for the next three years while it is in office. I will be busy in that time, but I will post my thoughts as often as possible.
I wish that men can be men (and not go to prison) and women can be women (and not be ridiculed for being "weak").
Advance Australia Fair.
But Don't Tread On Me.
Welcome aboard Destrier, I like the topics you bring up, 'doctor worship' being something that's always repulsed me.
I'll link to you from my blog 'One Man's Kingdom'.
Rob Case
Keep fighting. It is worthwhile.
"6. The historical fact that a Labour government = financial ruin for the nation! Why has everyone forgotten this!?!"
Not quite. All you need to do is look at Blair's Government in Britain (in power since 1997) to see that Labour has moved on from tax-and-spend economics and adopted instead much more stable Thatcherite policy of being anti-union, pro-business and pro-privitisation.
Interesting you should say that. Up until recently a leftist government of any kind (either the Communist style in the USSR, or the "Social Democrat" ones found in the West) would ultimately befall itself because of its wayward economics. Its progression into leftist society would eventually meet a roadblock because economic growth started to slow down, industrial output got smaller and people got poorer.
None of these old rules of "Old Labour" apply, however. Meaning, I think, that a Labour Government nowadays is a more dangerous beast.
What distinguishes a "leftist" party from a "conservative" party is not economic policy but social policy. Unfortunately, there are few if any "conservative" parties willing to actually advocate and implement conservative social ideals. Such that the "big 2" left/right parties in any given country are essentially the same and there is no choice for men (most of whom are conservative).
"A little while ago, it made the news that the previous Prime Minister, Mr John Howard, took offence when a media lackey referred to Janette Howard as his 'partner'. He corrected said lackey and informed him that Janette was, in fact, his wife. This was newsworthy in our society."
I'm impressed. It seems that Howard was more conservative than I thought. I thought he was just a "neo-con" Bush ally who thinks the definition of conservativism is bombing culturally opposed countries but, at the same time, not caring about social conservativism at home.
What did Howard do about things like must-arrest Domestic Violence Law, no-fault Divorce and pro-female settlements, paternity fraud, unchecked pro-female educational trends, pro-female health funding? Nothing I'd say. He left all these systems intact.
I doubt very much you'd even catch George Bush (who I have no respect for whatsoever BTW because he's essentially a liberal) correcting the press on an issue like that.
There's been a big sway towards the left in recent elections you'll note:
Argentina (Oct. 2007) - Justicialist Party - Cristina Kirchner
Poland (Oct. 2007) - Civic Platform - Donald Tusk
Portugal (Feb. 2005) - Socialists - José Socrates
Spain (March 2004) - Socialists - José Zapatero
Perhaps USA (Nov. 2008) - Democrats - Hillary Clinton is next?
The West has truly gone Left! It's certainly a sway away from conservative rightist parties.
"And it moved me that he delivered it so sincerely"
That's the New Labour way, which Tony Blair was a major innovator in bringing to the public. Don't be fooled though! As Duncan succinctly put it:
"The various statistics relating to the welfare state, the bloated civil service (900,000 new civil service jobs since Labour came to power), more and more laws and regulations, and the state becoming a surrogate parent to children makes it clear that, despite Blair and Brown's fancy 'Trendy Cool-Britannia New Labour' hype, we're living in a Socialist state."
I was reading the Eternal Bachelor's blog when I came across your post with your web address. So I pasted it and visited.Just thought you might like to know this.
I once heard Rudd describe himself as a "centrist." So I did a little research, and nothing could be further from the truth; he's a Socialist through and through. Be afraid, Australia. Be very afraid.
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